Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mainstream Indie

This morning I was on Youtube listening to a song by Kid Cudi. As I was doing so, I was reading the comments that people were leaving on the page. One that caught my eye was by user "dropslick" and it stated  the following:

"I don't think people have really caught up to how much the game really has changed. With mixtapes being more popular than albums and things like Youtube branded into our minds, MTV does not have complete control of what the youth is listening to like they used to so nobody can really judge what is going to happen in this entirely new game"

That statement is very true. Over the last couple of months, I've watched many artist use the internet as a breeding ground for fans. Websites such as Youtube and Imeem have given these artists the power to push their music without the help of a record company and because of this, the artists have more control of their music. Many times these artists (such as The Cool Kids) have a sound so distinct, so different that if it weren't for the internet, they probably wouldn't have the fanbase that they do because record companies wouldn't risk signing them because they aren't "marketable". 

However, while this is a good thing, many times I'm left scratching my head when an artist such as Souljah Boy gets signed because of the fanbase he has on the internet. Just goes to show you, there are both good and bad sides to everything.

1 comment:

  1. Day and Night MAAAAN lol, I do agree it is getting real different in music, when souljah boy can have numerous "hits" in comparison to the soul artists out there who get no radio time, we wonder where is the fine line
